What Can You Do To Prepare?

This page has all our CV NET Tips on being prepared, in one place.


How can you be prepared? See our informative two page PDF!

What You Can Do: Register for Public Alerts

Public Alerts is a Bureau of Emergency Management (PBEM) program that sends urgent safety messages (stay inside, evacuate, boil water etc.) in the Portland-Vancouver metro area. News and information on major service disruptions (roads, transit, public health, safety, utilities, schools, weather) are sent to landline phones, mobile phones (voice and text) and email. To receive messages you must register at Public Alerts

Wireless Emergency Alerts — Depending upon the nature of an incident, safety information is also provided through Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) on most mobile phones, Twitter, Facebook, TV, Radio, and on-line newspapers.

What You Can Do: Be Prepared!

Emergency Preparedness ... Be part of the solution, not part of the problem!

Go Kit — If you are forced to evacuate on a minute's notice, do you have a Go Kit packed with necessary medicines, cash, clothes, and important documents that are ready to grab and go? Most Go Kits are described as 72-hour Survival Kits and can be purchased or homemade as do-it-yourself kits. [GO/STAY KIT page]

Stay Kit — Do you have at least a week's supply of bottled water and food for your family and pets if you are sheltering in place? A comprehensive emergency kit can help you and your family to remain self-sufficient during a disaster. [GO/STAY KIT page]

Assemble your Stay Kit — Download and print the Family Emergency Supplies Calendar. The calendar takes you through 16 weeks of preparation, a little at a time. Please check it out. [PDF]

Home/Stay Kit (Locally Edited) — Download and print 5 easy pages. [PDF]

Prepare Your Pets for Disasters — See this page on [PETS]. Download and print this [PDF]

Think about Water — We take our wonderful city water for granted, but the supply or safety may be disrupted in an emergency. Chlorine bleach purifies water to make it safe to drink. The amount of chlorine bleach required to purify water is in this chart:

Chlorine Chart

The chart can be viewed in context on this Water Purification Fact Sheet.

We suggest printing the water purification Fact Sheet for reference.

Consider purchasing, placing, and filling a water barrel or two. Here is some helpful advice: Water Barrel Report.

Consider These Tips

Start assembling or building Go Kits (72-hour kit for home, car and/or work), Stay Kit, food, water, CASH, etc. Strap down your water heater! Here are the things we have suggested that you do:

  1. Register for alerts: [LINK]
  2. Print GO and STAY Kit lists: [PDF]
  3. Print GO and STAY Kit lists: [404?]
  4. Download and print the kit-building check list: [PDF]
  5. Print the Water Purification fact sheet [LINK].
  6. Print your sector map from NET Home page.

More Tips!

Make Family Reunification plans: decide where you will meet if your family is separated when a major quake hits. Consider damaged roads, bridges. If your home is uninhabitable what is the evacuation site to gather and evaluate. Remember that Riverdale HS Parking Lot is our staging Area.

Telephones: Land lines will be jammed, and cell towers overwhelmed. Voice may not get through. Use short SMS texts to tell your out-of-area contacts that you are ok. Text keeps trying, uses less data than voice. Be conservative with communication, for the good of the community.

Here is a great resource for community-wide disaster preparedness for all ages! [KIDS]


Fentanyl use has skyrocketed in Oregon and everywhere.

How can you be prepared? See our informative two page PDF!

Narcan training and having the kits handy in our homes and in our cars is essential. Preparedness is sensible & obligatory for parents, grandparents, neighbors and all around caring people who want to be empowered to help. Get a kit and get familiar with it.


Here are three PDFs to help you prepare for, AND survive an ice storm.

"Lessons Learned Can Help Neighbors Prepare", from the March 2024 issue of SW News, by Gene Lynard. [PDF]

Surviving an Ice Storm (a quick post-storm compilation of ideas.) [PDF]

Sources of Emergency Power - Basic [PDF]


We can't prevent an earthquake — we can only prepare for one. How can you prepare?

An excellent checklist is on this page we based on a FEMA communication: ~~~EARTHQUAKE!~~~

Quick tips below are from the above Earthquake! page. Articles appearing in the media are linked to at the end of this section.

A few quick tips

Make a safety survey of your home. If a major quake hit right now, what would injure you? Fix the hazard!

Articles in the Media

Not convinced? Judge for yourself.


What's the danger of an Urban Wildfire?

Climatologists reported that 2014 was the hottest year on record. The summers are getting hotter and the vegetation is getting drier each year. (2023 is on its way — it exceeded the record in July !) Accumulating brush on the hillsides becomes potential fuel for fires. A carelessly thrown cigarette, or a fire in a homeless camp, or a downed power line can all spark fires. Strong winds coming out of the east and northeast could drive a fire up into the west hills very quickly.

How can the community be better prepared?

Here are tips on evacuating your family: [TIPS].

The Portland Fire Bureau also advises property owners to take steps to protect their homes. Among them are:

For more information about wildfires and preventing and preparing for them go to [Reducing the Risk of Wildfire] on the Portland Fire & Rescue site.

Collins View Firewise Community

Collins View has been officially recognized as a Firewise Community after meeting national criteria. See: [CV FIREWISE]

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