Seismogram - attention getter


We have answers for you!

All text and the Links are based on a FEMA mailing, from November 2023.

Earthquake Safety Checklist (FEMA B-526). The checklist acts as a reference guide that helps individuals and families prepare for an earthquake event and prevent earthquake-related damage.

Click here to see the FEMA B-526 checklist [PDF]

The checklist lists several steps to take in the event of an earthquake to mitigate damage and risk to people and property.

The checklist includes all necessary items to keep on hand in the case of an earthquake such as flashlights, spare batteries, water, first aid kits, battery-powered radios, etc.

Included is an Earthquake Hazard Hunt to help individuals identify potential dangers in their home by conducting a search for specific hazards such as:

The checklist references the 'Great ShakeOut' and practicing 'Drop, Cover, and Hold On' in the event of an earthquake.

The checklist highlights ways to protect yourself and others from an earthquake in various environments including in a home, outdoors, in your car, in public transportation, or trapped under fallen debris. It also describes steps to take after the ground stops shaking and post-earthquake hazards that may occur.

The checklist includes several available resources to prepare oneself for an earthquake event.

The checklist, once again, is in this: [PDF]. Download now.

There are also step-by-step instructions for a family earthquake drill.

Additional resources on earthquakes

Techie Stuff

How might the Earth Quake in Collins View?

See this short article about our local geologic profile, on The New Collins View Blog: [LINK].

What can our local geologic profile tell us? We are seeking a concise expert opinion on this - just a paragraph or two. Till then, here are some local articles.

Seismogram - attention getter

You can't escape the Earthquake monster!