Collins View maps

There is no official neighborhood map, showing neighborhood gates, bus stops, businesses, walking paths, trails, wildlife habitat, parks, mailboxes, and so on. Volunteer?

Nextdoor map of Collins View

'Nextdoor' started up in Portland as a test market, primarily because the City of Portland had a ready-made set of well-defined neighborhoods, including GIS data of boundaries. Plus, the neighborhood associations could be used to promote Nextdoor. See our [Nextdoor page].

Nextdoor map of Collins View

For a larger version of the above map, a screenshot from 2018 click on [2018 map].

On Nextdoor, one can view the map of the neighborhood showing which households have a person signed up. Also, they have a special trick-or-treat option, and so on.

Other Maps

Note: In Google Maps, Open Street Maps, and Portland Maps, if you zoom in (+) enough, house numbers will appear!

Maps on other web pages

Extent and Surrounding Hoods

NEWS latitude and Longitude for Collins View area
Map showing neighboring neighborhood boundaries

Neighborhoods within Collins View

Graphic based on Neighborhoods within Collins View

There are nine distinct sub-neighborhoods determined by roadways and terrain. This graphic was used as a logo by the neighborhood association until it abandoned the concept, which was embodied in the Bylaws at the time. Yellow represents the business district. This graphic predates the formation of the River View Natural Area!

  1. Deer Creek Neighborhood (was West Collins View)
  2. 5th Ave
  3. Boones Ferry
  4. Palatine Hill
  5. 6th Ave
  6. Maplecrest
  7. Colony Drive
  8. 4th Ave
  9. Friends of the College