Next Door web-based communication

Next Door is a clever site that has been set up to recognize The neighborhood boundaries (or street address ranges in Collins View?). It's like Facebook confined to a neighborhood, or group of nearby neighborhoods. (This was widely expanded -- 2021.)

The registration is straight forward. You simply go directly to using your web browser and enter your home address. Don't worry, your address can be hidden or kept private. Once NextDoor sees that your address is in Collins View, you can join by entering an email address to use, your name and other items that you can choose share about yourself. Once you submit your email address, you will rcv a message from NextDoor with a link to click on in order to verify the message was rcv-ed.

From then on, if you wish, you can log into to review and/or change your various preferences any time day or night. For example, you can elect to receive a "digest" of messages once per day rather than one message at a time, or you can elect to rcv NO messages and only go to the web site from time to time.

Claire says: You can easily adjust how much email you receive with this platform. Go to your Profile and on the top right there are two boxes. One says "Edit Profile" and the other "Edit Email Settings". Click on the second and be sure to select a level of communication that is helpful without being overwhelming.

See About Us (nextdoor inc) page for company profile, mission, leadership. etc. There was a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about NextDoor, Privacy, Email Address Verification, etc. But that seems to have fallen away. Pease check out the guidelines for use.

The above is a lotta stuff to expect people to go through... can we perhaps pick out a few basic items to explain or interpret here? Obviously We don't need to re-document all the things that are on NextDoor, but we should perhaps say what happens if you reply to a message that comes out? Who sends out emergency notices?

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