
The Collins View area has five or more cemeteries, depending on how you count!

G.A.R cemetery, northeast corner

See the recent New Collins View blog article on Woodmen of the World and Women of Woodcraft Monuments that appear in several of the cemeteries. [LINK]

River View Cemetery

Founded in 1882. River View Cemetery has an excellent website. [LINK]

River View is celebrating its 140th year with a number of events. Check their posts on Facebook. [LINK]

River View is a private cemetery.

Cemetery Rules!

River View Cemetery has some undeveloped reserve property which is posted No Trespassing. Please respect this private property, which is adjacent to the natural area along Palatine Hill Road.

River View Cemetery Map

River View Cemetery Map

Here is the full size map for examination or printing: [MAP]

Greenwood Hills Cemetery

Established in 1882. This cemetery enjoys loyal community support.

Read the interesting [HISTORY]!

Greenwood Hills Cemetery is private property. The Greenwood Hills Cemetery Maintenance Association (GHCMA) reserves the right to allow or not allow visitors. Visit the GHCMA website for more information. [GHCMA]

GHCMA has a Facebook page, linked to from their website. The website also has a delightful map, showing section numbers.

Current usage rules are:

Please consider making a donation if you frequent Greenwood Hills. An annual cleanup event is held prior to Memorial Day. [HINT]

Grand Army of the Republic

Founded in 1882.

Imagery found in upper GAR, by the road

The two acre GAR Cemetery inside Greenwood Hills has Historic Cemetery status and is maintained by Metro. GAR (sometimes) holds a Boys in Blue that signals the beginning of the Memorial Day weekend and prompts a moment to pause and honor our fallen heroes.

The GRAND ARMY page on the Historic Cemetery section of Metro's website has more info. [LINK]

A new statue was dedicated on May 30, 2009. (Years, before the original statue was cut down, pounded into scrap bronze, and sold for drug money.)

Statue Dedication

What was The Grand Army of the Republic??

The GAR was an organization with built-in extinction, since membership was limited to honorably discharged veterans of the Union Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Revenue Cutter Service who had served between April 12, 1861, and April 9, 1865. Benjamin F. Stephenson founded it in Decatur, Illinois, on April 6, 1866. Many of the ceremonies and rituals of the GAR were based on Masonic principles, including the infamous 'black ball" method of voting, except that the GAR required more than one black ball to deny membership.

The main activities of the GAR were to provide companionship through organized encampments and, more importantly, to establish soldiers' homes and to lobby for soldiers pensions. The organization grew to 409,000 members by 1890 and was a political force to be reckoned with. Five U.S. presidents were GAR members, and any Republican candidate who had any hope of becoming president needed an endorsement from the GAR. This organization was also instrumental in establishing Memorial Day, May 30, as a national holiday and day of remembrance. Alas, the GAR is no more. The final Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic was held in 1949 in Indianapolis, Indiana, and the last member, Albert Woolson, died in 1956 at the age of 109 years.

GAR Medallion from Stories in Stone book

Story and image poached from Stories in Stone / A Field Guide to Cemetery Symbolism and Iconography by Douglas Keister.


The section is IN PROGRESS, NOV 2023.

Founded ... (See Greenwood Hills for a little history?)

The IOOF cemetery was initially split off from Greenwood (?) but was transferred to River View Cemetery in..

Ahavai Shalom Cemetery

Name appears both as Shalom and Sholom.

Founded in 1871 (or 1869)

Same as Neveh Shalom Cemetery, of the Neveh Shalom congregation.

Located at SW First and Alice Streets. Currently managed and maintained by Congregation Neveh Shalom. Contact: Sylvia Pearlman, Executive Director of Neveh Shalom. (503) 246-8831.

Access is limited to families only, or people with land rights.

Beth Israel Cemetery

This is the second cemetery of this name and is the oldest continuously operating Jewish cemetery in the nation. (Need to verify this.)

This cemetery location was selected in 1874. The old location's pioneer graves were relocated to this location once it was purchased.

Located at 426 Southwest Taylors Ferry Road. Access is limited to families only, or people with land rights.