SW NETS Coalition

SW NETS Coalition Updates focus on Collins View NET activities. Marshall Park and West Portland Park NETs currently join forces with CV NET.

Scroll down for older updates.

Cold Weather


For the Good of the NET

Window Smasher/ Seatbelt Slasher Tool should be in your car by driver’s seat, NOT in trunk or glovebox, which will be inaccessible because of airbag deployment in a crash.

West Portland Park NET has 5 members now.


There is always the potential for cold injury. Treat all cold subjects intentionally and aggressively. It is critical first aid. Your patient should never be colder than they are the minute you arrive.

Protection from the elements

Water amplifies all these effects

Assessment of cold injury: Anticipate a cold injury when:

Try to have the right equipment for responding to cold injured subject

LOCALIZED COLD INJURIES: Frost Nip, Frostbite and Trench foot

Frost Nip: mild form of frostbite, irritated skin red, or pale.

Frostbite: Partial or complete freezing of tissue. White, blue or mottled skin feels waxy or hard, reduced feeling in area. Severe Frostbite means significant swelling and pain.

Trench Foot: non freezing cold injury extremely painful, pruned pale skin, decreased circulation. Tissue and nerve damage. Caused by prolonged exposure to wet cold.


Reduction of body core temperature below 95°. (Normal body temperature: 98.6°)

BIGGEST RED FLAG IS CHANGE IN LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS. Keep tabs on Team members for signs of hypothermia.


Remove cold challenge: insulate and protect from cold, wind, dehydration, Be very gentle. The moderate/severe hypothermia patient is very fragile. Move them in horizontal position. Carotid pulse may be very faint (2-3 BPM) give it a full 2 minutes.

Make A Burrito: Put a tarp down; then insulating layers on top of it; blankets, sleeping bag, mylar blanket. Wrap patient up in all this. Fill with heat warmer (like Nalgene bottle in sock with hot water) not directly on patient. Put at least two layers above patient and below insulation.

Insulated from ground reduces conduction. Warm layers and reflective layer protect body heat from radiation. Wind proof, water proof reduces convection and evaporation. Packaging retains heat but does not create it.

Get fluids into them. Hot JELLO. Sugar and calories are exactly what is needed. Calories warm patients, not hot drinks. The temperature of the drink doesn’t matter so much. Alcohol has detrimental effect.

Trauma and Hypothermia is an issue:


Immediate (acute) Immersion, or subject has been out for many hours, not been moving, injured, wet. Chronic: not a single event: Over time the body temperature drops to moderate hypothermia levels. Subject may be older, and/or have economic or shelter challenges, cognitive and or circulation problems, other health problems.

The #1 Vital sign is a change in the level of consciousness (too hot/too cold)

These are Maryellen Read’s notes. All mistakes are hers alone. Comments welcome


Stages of Grief

Franklin Weingarten, MD, gave a succinct resume of the Kubler-Ross “Stages of Grief”. The Kubler-Ross Model is a framework to help people understand and cope with loss.

  1. Denial
  2. Anger (and guilt) almost aways
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression – Sadness, Despair, Withdrawal
  5. Acceptance

Anniversary Phenomenon: A person reexperiences the grief emotions at the same anniversary date of the original occurrence.

Affect Bridge: is a technique where a patient is led to reexperience the traumatic event and to the emotional response to the past experience.

Crises Therapy: a short-term immediate intervention that helps people get through a mental health crisis – not necessarily a death event – and learn coping skills. Coping skills help people feel safe, regain a sense of control, return to normal functioning.

Sympathetic Listening is THE most effective comforting skill. Avoid trite condolence sayings like “It will be all right”, “Calm down”, etc.

Book Recommendation from ICU nurse NET attendee: Advice for Future Corpses (and Those Who Love Them): A Practical Perspective on Death and Dying by Sallie Tisdale.

— Review submitted by M. Read



Collins View, Marshall Park, Riverdale, & West Portland Park
Collins View FireWise
invite you to a neighborhood fire education event
Saturday, June 1st
2:00 – 4:00 pm
On S. Corbett Lane, between S. Brugger and S. Palatine Hill Rd
Fun with Fire Extinguishers (at a previous event) - Photo by Angela Myatt

At the 6/1 Event...

Kim Kosmas will be representing PF&R Firewise with plenty of Firewise swag and informational handouts.

The event will feature a fire pan demonstration and chance for neighbors to practice extinguishing the fire, a fire extinguisher inspection, a chance to recycle old ones and other attractions.


For more information: Brenda Nuckton cv.net.teamleader@gmail.com

Photos from this event!

The flashy main attraction of the event was the blazing firepan, staffed by PBEM trained volunteers. The participants put out the fire using the approved and effective "PASS" technique (Pull ring, Aim, Squeeze and Sweep). Their expressions of pride after successfully dousing the flames were wonderful!


The super lemonade stand crew used FRS radios to radio in orders which they delivered. Lemonade Sale was a Fund Raiser for [?].


Kim Kosmas at the Firewise table

The Firewise table, with PF&R Kim Kosmas, was a very popular site. Kim made more great connections and gave away tons of information pamplets and stickers.

Portland NET Table

The water table, with a green 50 gal (empty) barrel, information, water purification kits and available drinking water for folks and pups, was well attended. Note smaller canteens too.

The ham and FRS radio table was buzzing with activity while the first aid tent was at the ready but thankfully not in demand.

Fire Extinguisher Service Center Co.

The Fire Extinguisher Service Center checked extinguishers for safety and effectiveness, accepted over ten expired or defective ones and sold new ones.

Give-away SWAG - flashlights and mini carabiners

All went smoothly, thanks to CVNET team lead Brenda’s superb organization and the advance promotions via Nextdoor and pamphlets distributed by CVNETs throughout the neighborhood.


Collins View Net activities for March/April 2024

HOURS: Please log your hours by 3/31; the more hours logged, the more the impact of NET in the community is evident to city budget makers (you can, of course, log hours later, but they may have more impact if done now). Here's the link: MyImpactPage

RADIO DRILL: Thursday, 4 April, 6:00 pm. More specifics to follow.

TRAINING AND CDE PREP: I am emphasizing reviewing before the CDE because the exercise will be much more rewarding if you can focus on what you are trying to accomplish, rather than how you do it. If you know that you're going to proceed clockwise around the house during size up (ALPHA, BRAVO, CHARLIE, DELTA, etc.), you can focus on looking at the potential damage, rather than "where I am supposed to go next?" So, I would encourage you to participate in the upcoming Triage Refresher on Weds 3/10 at 6:00 pm (sign up link on the Opportunities Calendar on the My Impact

TRAINING VIDEOS AVAILABLE FROM PBEM. They are not super easy to locate, so you may (as I have done) want to bookmark this page. Scroll down from the top to find the live links. Training Videos

Thursday, 4 April, 6:00 pm COLLINS VIEW NET FRS RADIO DRILL to check FRS radio transmissions/communications throughout neighborhood : Avi Solomon was Net control.

Saturday April 6, 2024 TRILLIUM FESTIVAL AT TRYON CREEK STATE PARK: Collins View NET shared a table with Portland Fire & Rescue Firewise Outreach. Lots of good information (verbal and printed handouts) and swag made it a popular table during this very chilly April Morning. Riverdale NET and Lake Oswego Fire and Rescue shared a neighboring table.


New Team Lead for the Collins View · Marshall Park · Riverdale NET

Brenda Cox Nuckton has been elected by unanimous vote to assume the duties of Team Lead for the extended CV-MP-Rd NET as of Dec. 1, 2023! Brenda has been a participating CV NET member for many years, and we welcome her expertise and energy in this new role.

For NET inquiries contact Brenda at: cv.net.team.leader@gmail.com

Dr. Bob Fischer Retires!

Dr. Bob Fischer, Team Lead (2011-2023), with his enthusiasm, recruiting, volunteering, institutional knowledge and cheerleading led CV NET to be one of the largest, most active (innovative and fun!) NET team Citywide. While Bob retires as CV NET Team Lead, but will continue as an active participating CV NET member.

