NET Exercise - October 8, 2023
On Sunday October 8, 2023, the Colllins View Neighborhood Emergency Team (CVNET) participated in the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management (PBEM) Citywide Deployment Exercise.

Again, our trusty Clipboard boxes helped keep Roles and Papers organized for the exercise!

The PBEM planning committee orchestrated virtual "Major Windstorm Emergency" scenarios — including an overturned school bus (VIRTUAL!!!) to challenge NET teams' skills, organization and ingenuity. Citywide, twelve NET teams, representing 50 neighborhoods, had a total of 166 participants. Neighborhood teams with small numbers of NETs joined other neighborhood teams to participate.
The Collins View NET exercise had twenty-five people signed up — NET members and non-NETs "Spontaneous Unaffiliated Volunteers" - from 7 neighborhoods: Collins View, Marshall Park, Riverdale, West Portland Park, South Burlingame, Ash Creek and Lake Oswego.

This was the first Collins View NET exercise to have its Staging Area in the Riverdale High School Parking lot. The Staging Area comprises separate stations:
- Volunteer Log In/ Supplies
- First Aid
- Team Operations for Team Assignments
- Collin View BIG map for Search & Rescue Team briefing
- Incident Command to organize & prioritize incoming challenges
- Amateur Radio Operator for City-wide radio communications
- FRS (Family Radio Service) Operator for intra-team communications
- Event Coordinator's table
- Privacy Potty Tent with commode.

Click to download a printable [PDF].
Nancy Holmes, CV NET Assistant Team Leader, was again our experienced Event Coordinator. She directed and produced this CV October 8, 2023 event.

The CV team, in addition to deploying to all the off-site eleven PBEM assigned virtual scenarios, responded to additional challenges that were not virtual. The First Aid Station treated 12 walk in (moulaged) wounded. A search and rescue team rescued a trapped child. Rescue Baby doll ("RB") is a frequent victim participant in CVNET exercises.
Beautiful weather, fully engaged teamwork and participants' good spirits and willingness to help made for a satisfying experience. This boots-on-the-ground exercise was a learning experience which alerted us to what needs work, to refresh skills and procedures.
The efficiency and effectiveness of the CVNET emergency response process was reinforced. It works.